Hey! Thanks for checking out OFAF36!
Instead of the standard "farewell gift" after a tour in Korea, the author decided to make this webpage to help others find some "non-standard" adventures in the South Korea.
This website is meant to augment the "easy to find" hikes and ski resort information already on the internet with other not-so easy to find outdoor and sport options. The author spent 2.5 years in Korea, and noticed that it was easy to find mainstream attractions like ski resorts and beaches, but it was a little more difficult to find mountain biking trails, wakeboarding venues, etc. If this helps 3-6 people find a fun activity to try outdoors, then it has served its purpose.
Enjoy your time in the "land of the not quite right" and get outside every once and a while!
Yes, this site is a bit biased towards one organization's heritage and traditions, but still feel free to share it with our "push it up" and "crush 'em" brethren down south.